Bauxite is made of bauxite as raw material, and the raw bauxite is sintered at high temperature (1200-1700℃) to form a block to become bauxite clinker. The main minerals are diaspore, high alumina silica, diaspore The stone content increases as the ratio of alumina to silica increases. The secondary minerals are rutile, iron ore and so on. Sometimes it also contains small amounts of Baume and Decaite. According to the level of Al2O3 bauxite content, it can be generally divided into different grades: bauxite with a content of more than 85% is super high-quality bauxite; 75-85% is high-quality bauxite; 65-75% is ordinary quality aluminum Bauxite; 50-65% content is low-content ordinary bauxite; bauxite with Al2O3 content below 50% is low-content bauxite, and the price is cheap.

What is the chemical composition of calcined bauxite?

The main chemical components of calcined bauxite are: Al2O3, SiO2, Fe2O3, TiO2, accounting for about 95% of the total composition, and the secondary components are CaO, MgO, K2O, Na2O, S, MnO2, organic matter and trace components Ga, Ge, etc. Wait. Al2O3 is the main chemical component of bauxite, SiO2 generally exists in clay minerals; Fe2O3 generally exists in the form of hematite in karst or sedimentary bauxite; TiO2 in bauxite is usually 2-4 %, but bauxite in some areas also has a higher content of TiO2, which can reach: 6-12%; S is a harmful impurity in bauxite, and it generally exists in the form of pyrite, generally between 0.05 and 0.1. between. Among the bauxite content in my country, the CaO content is generally below 0.5%, the MgO content is generally between 0.01~0.5%, and the highest can reach 3%~4%; the Na2O content is generally: 0.1~0.3%, the maximum will not be More than 1%; K2O content does not exceed 0.5%.

From the color of bauxite: raw bauxite has white or gray-white, gray, dark gray, gray-yellow, brown-yellow or light red, etc. After calcination, the cooked bauxite turns into white, beige, brown Red, blue, and blue deepens with aluminum content. The original earthy luster becomes corundum luster or grease luster, and sometimes there are slight molten stones or cracks on the surface;

Calcined bauxite specification and uses

The calcined bauxite is crushed, screened and ground, and processed into bauxite aggregates respectively. The common particle sizes of calcined bauxite aggregates are: 0-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-5mm, 5-8mm. .., a cooked bauxite aggregate that is bagged and processed. The particle size of calcined bauxite powder is generally: 325 mesh, 200 mesh, 180 mesh, 100 mesh, it is usually used for precision casting. The uses of bauxite with different indicators are different. According to the use, there are the following types of bauxite:

1. Metallurgical grade and industrial grade bauxite: Refers to the bauxite used for refining metal aluminum or smelting alumina. Generally speaking, the ratio of aluminum to silicon should be greater than 2.6 before it can be used. It is used in the fields of national defense, aviation, automobile, electrical appliance, chemical industry, daily necessities and so on. Precision casting. The calcined bauxite aggregate is processed into fine powder with the general particle size: 325 mesh, 200 mesh, 180 mesh, 100 mesh, and made into precision casting molds. Suitable for military, aerospace, communications, instrumentation, machinery and medical equipment and other sectors.

2. The calcined bauxite refractory grade is mainly: after calcination, the particle size of bauxite aggregate used for refractory grade is generally: 0-1mm, 1-3mm, 3-5mm, 5-8mm, and the content of Al2O3 is generally required to be : 65-88%, refractoriness up to 1780 ℃, strong chemical stability, good physical properties, used for the production of various shaped and unshaped refractory materials.

3. Welding grade bauxite: used in the production of welding rods in industry. (AL203≥87%), in addition to the normal content of aluminum, silicon, iron and titanium, some electric welding grade bauxite also require the inspection of phosphorus, sulfur, manganese and other items;

4. Grinding grade bauxite: mainly used for the production of high alumina cement and various abrasives and abrasive tools. (AL203≥86%)

As a calcined bauxite manufacturer, we have a complete calcined bauxite production line,production capacity is 60,000 tons per year, while producing calcined bauxite, Gongyi Yuying Refractory Co., Ltd. also manufactures refractory products. Simultaneously produce unshaped refractory and shaped refractory products .

If you are looking for more information concerning the Calcined Bauxite producing process in calcined bauxite manufacturers or are interested in finding a professional manufacturer to produce calcined bauxite.Please make sure you check out the web of Gongyi Yuying Refractory Co.,Ltd ,their professional knowledge and their amazing production speed would definitely satisfy any orders from you .

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