Internal combustion hot blast stove, a traditional equipment for heating blast. The internal combustion hot blast stove is an internal combustion hot blast stove which is technically transformed on the basis of the traditional internal combustion hot blast stove.

Working principle of internal combustion hot blast stove:

First, the grid bricks of the hot blast stove are heated by means of gas combustion, and then the cold air is heated through the hot grid bricks to form hot air. In order to ensure that the blast furnace can continuously obtain the high-temperature air of the big scene, each blast furnace is equipped with 3~4 hot blast stoves to alternately burn and supply air. The heat storage area of the hot blast stove group is generally 60-80mVtn furnace capacity. We call the heat storage area that each cubic meter of blast furnace effective volume should have as the heating capacity of the hot blast furnace. Or expressed by the heating area required for each standard meter of wind per minute, generally 30-37m/m.min.

Internal combustion hot blast stove

作者 sfyh


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