The main raw material of high alumina brick is high alumina bauxite, and the binder is refractory clay. Various mixtures are extruded through a press with strictly proportioned mixtures and then sintered at high temperature in a tunnel kiln.

Compared with clay bricks, one of the major advantages of high alumina bricks is:  . The refractoriness of high alumina bricks is higher than that of clay bricks and semi-silica bricks, reaching 1750~1790 ℃, which is a kind of refractory material. b. The softening temperature under load is higher than that of clay bricks due to the high content of A 2O3 in high alumina products, low impurity content and low melting point of the glass body, but because the mullite crystal does not form a network structure, the softening temperature under load is still No silica brick is very high. C. High slag-resistant aluminum bricks contain more A 2O3, which are close to neutral refractory materials and can resist the erosion of acid slag and alkali slag. Due to the SiO2 content, the resistance to alkali slag is weaker than that of acid slag. Some.

The disadvantage is that high alumina bricks are not resistant to rapid cooling and heating.

In the production of ferroalloys, high alumina bricks can also be used to build iron ore lining bricks for ore furnaces, refining electric furnace tops, and for laying iron linings.

High alumina bricks are formed from bauxite or other raw materials with high alumina content. One of the important operating properties is the structural strength at high temperatures. It increases with temperature, but also has an important property of thermal shock.

The thermal shock resistance of high alumina bricks refers to the ability of refractory bricks to withstand rapid changes in temperature without being damaged. In the working environment of the coal-water slurry gasifier, due to the high working temperature, the essence of the service life of high-alumina bricks is that the high temperature changes or significantly changes the viscosity and temperature characteristics of the coal ash slag. In general, the higher the temperature, the lower the viscosity and the better the flow. The more serious the erosion and penetration of high-alumina bricks, the greater the erosion rate, and the shorter the service life of high-alumina bricks. Therefore, controlling the temperature is very important.

The mineral composition of high alumina bricks is determined by the bauxite used. The mineral components of clinker are usually mullite, corundum and glass. It has needle-like crystals and has a network intersecting structure, and shows good strength in a high temperature state.

High-alumina bricks According to the mineral composition of mullite, the phase composition of high-alumina bricks can be judged according to the content of alumina. When the alumina in the high alumina brick is below 71.8%, the composition is based on mullite and silica. When the alumina in the brick exceeds 71.8%, the excess alumina forms corundum crystals at high temperature, and two aluminas are formed at the same time. The high temperature crystal phase increases the eutectic temperature.

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