What are the main raw materials used in alkali resistant castables?

The aggregates used in light alkali-resistant refractory castables include alkali resistant ceramsite, porous clinker, waste porcelain, high-strength expanded perlite, etc., and calcium aluminate cement or water glass is used as the binder.

The aggregates used in heavy alkali resistant refractory castables include clay clinker, waste porcelain, etc. The binder and alkali-resistant powder are the same as the light alkali-resistant castables, and calcium aluminate cement is generally used as the binder.

What is the alkali resistance mechanism of alkali resistant castables?

The alkali-resistant mechanism of alkali resistant castables is that they react with alkali metal oxides at high temperatures to form a high-viscosity liquid phase, forming a glaze-like protective layer to prevent the penetration and erosion of alkali metal melts.

What are the suitable furnace parts for alkali resistant castables?

Heavy alkali resistant castables are mainly used in roasting alumina rotary kilns and cement rotary dense dense tails, trial heads, preheaters, discharge ports, tuyere and other parts. Lightweight alkali-resistant refractory castables are mainly used in the above-mentioned rotary dense preheater top cover, cylinder body and heat insulation village in the kiln. Alkali-resistant castables can also be used in industrial dense furnaces with alkali corrosion in steel, non-ferrous, glass, machinery, petrochemical and other industries.

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